Today there is a fabulous new release over at Pink Cat Studio. Don't you just love these sweet images:

I couldn't resist using Strawberry Lily, she's so adorable and sweet. As I told you in my post below, I did two baskets for Dyanne's two teachers and the second one was created with Strawberry Lily. I am very sad to inform you that this is for now going to be my last sample as a Pink Cat Studio design team member. As you probably have noticed I don't have a whole lot of time to create things now and that doesn't combine well with a job in a design team. This has been a very tough decision for me because I absolutely LOVE being on the PCS design team, Melissa has turned out to be a very good friend and she is the best "boss" lady ever and there isn't a design team in the world I'd rather be in. Thank you so much for the wonderful time I had on the team sweetie!! Don't you guys worry though, there are still plenty of PCS cards and projects going to be published here, just not as a DT member :(. So here goes my last project:

Take care!
Boo hoo :( I'm so sad that you are leaving sweetie but I understand and want you to have lots of time with your family and to have fun crafting at your leisure. I'm so glad that we have become friends so that we can keep in touch even though you aren't on the team.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour final project turned out beautiful as have all of your creations in the past. You are so talented and I am always inspired when I see your work. I'll be visiting your blog often to see what you are up to!!
Big hugs,
So sad that your leaving the DT but it's understandable that you just don't have the time. Your final project is beautiful!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOhhh wowww Mariska,wat een schitterend mandje,zo lief die stempel.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPrachtig papier.
Ben er echt weg van,dit model vind ik zo leuk en mooi.
Liefs Riet.xx
Oh, Mariska, your basket is gorgeous and I wouldn't expect anything less! :D Wow, I just love how you coloured Strawberry Lily!! Take care and I'll be by to see what you're up to. :D
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTwee prachtige en super leuke mandjes Mariska. Jammer dat je gaat stoppen, maar wel begrijpelijk.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroetjes van Jacqueline
Wat ontzettend jammer dat je het PCS team hebt moeten verlaten. Maar ja soms is het even niet anders en ik kan mij zo voorstellen dat je je handen vol hebt aan je kindjes:-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJe hebt weer prachtige creaties gemaakt Maris, wat een bofkonten zijn de ontvangers van deze schitterende mandjes met overheerlijke inhoud;-)!
Fijn weekend!
Inge xx
Wat ontzettend jammer dat je stopt als DT lid, maar snap best dat je prioriteiten moet stellen en de "echte wereld" gaat dan altijd voor! ik vind het mandje die je hebt gemaakt echt prachtig!
Hi, Mariska! Thanks for following my blog! I had to pop over and say "hello" and then I found these incredible cute paper baskets! They are wonderful! The assemblage and the coloring are top-notch! ;D
I am so sad you decided to leave - love your style! Have fun with your new baby! Hugs, Tori
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTjonge, wat maak je een prachtige, originele creaties! En je kunt echt super kleuren, je gebruikt mooie combi's. Zou je de kleuren er niet bij willen vermelden? :-) Bedankt voor je berichtje op mijn blog.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHugs Ingrid